10 setembro 2009

EDM 12: O que comi para o jantar/What I ate for dinner

EDM 11: What I ate for dinner, originally uploaded by aurileide.

Adoro spaghetti. É a única massa que curto. Nada de lasanha, nhoque, penne, fetuccine, raviolli ou qualquer outra. Só o velho e simples spaghetti com molho vermelho, de preferência com tomates frescos, feito na hora, azeite e muita salsa. Uma pimentinha calabresa, fresca, pra apimentar o paladar, também não dispenso. Deu até fome!

I love spaghetti. It´s the only kind of pasta that pleases me. There´s nothing else to me. No lasanha, no nhoque, no penne, fetuccine, raviolli or any other for me. Only the old and simple spaghetti with red souce, made with fresh tomatoes, oil and a lot of salsa. If there is a little red pepper (calabresa) to hot the taste, it will be just wonderful. Writing about it made me hungry!

5 comentários:

Art is for the Making disse...

Fun! I love this post. (And I love spagetti too.)

Alex disse...

Wow, nicely done despite the complexity of the randomness in how the spaghetti noodles are arranged. :) I love how you did the inking outlines first before coloring, I used to do a lot of that too when I was learning to do manga(by myself, so I don't really know what's the right way to do it) but yeah, I like your style, keep it up and keep posting ^^

Anônimo disse...

What a beautiful sketch - certainly conveys your passion for spaghetti!

Melinda disse...

Great composition, and I love the use of color! Plus, it looks like a yummy dinner!

Unknown disse...

This is great! I bet you're good (or would be good?) at drawing hair too!