28 setembro 2009

EDM19: Draw something you´ve made / Desenhe algo que você fez

Esta é minha bolsinha de lápis. Eu mesma fiz para carregar por aí os materiais que preciso para desenhar. É vermelha e cheia de cores. Adoro!

This is my pencilcase. I made it myself to carry my drawing stuff everywhere. It´s red and colorful and I love it!

7 comentários:

Melinda disse...

Wonderful, Aurileide! I'm so impressed that you made this, and I love the painting! All of those little red and white checks must have taken a long time! :)

Aurileide Alves disse...

Thank you so much, Melinda! And yes! It was a hard work to do all those white and red little squares. Thank you so much!

juninho disse...

De fato, esta pintura ficou linda... Quero você praticando todo dia. Agora, só entra no trabalho depois da pintura diária!...

Dan Kent disse...

What a fun painting! (I'm terribly impressed that you made the case too). Each pencil seems to have personality!

Aurileide Alves disse...

Hello Dan, it is so nice that you liked it... some of my friends are crazy about my little case... Thanks for your words. Best wishes

Ramona disse...

The drawing and the sewing are both artistic and creative. I love the colors. Blue is my favorite color but red is second. Keep up the good work.

Sharon P Pope disse...

I love your red pencil case! You did a great job making it and drawing/painting it. :)