14 junho 2010

Cheering / Torcedor

This is my mood to the match. Cheering / Torcedor, originally uploaded by aurileide.
Yeah! It´s football the only subject right now. And as I like it as much as I do understand how the cold fusion works, this is the kind of cheerleader that looks like me the most. Wearing a kind of t-shirt, but not that one. With the place around me all set up for the game, but not my soul.

Tools in the pocket show I rather work or draw than sit and watch 22 wet and sexy guys run across a giant field crazy for a single ball. It sucks to me. Any way, hope you understand that I trully support sports and pacific meetings for any kind of party. Even when they sound crazy to me.

Happy World Cup to everybody.

2 comentários:

juninho disse...

Quer dizer que abandonou de vez de colocar o texto também na sua lingua pátria?

Aurileide Alves disse...

As pessoas que visitam com mais frequência e costumam deixar comentários, são sempre de outros países e não falam português. Resolvi nem me dar ao trabalho de escrever para um platéia que tá se lixando pro que eu faço. É a seleção natural.